So in the last month God has prompted me to really start making an effort to spend quality quiet time with him... I will be honest and say that in the last month I have averaged about 3 days per week that this quiet time actually happens... I think I put too much pressure on myself like "am I doing this right?" When I do my quiet time I read my daily devotional called "hearing from God each morning" by Joyce Meyer. its so practical! anyhow, I read this and then I go to my bible and look up whatever the message was about today.. then I read and pray for about an hour... then often If I am done before my little ladies wake up I shimmy right back into bed... BAD IDEA!!
Ok so on mornings that I dont get up and do my quiet time, the girls are basically my alarm clock. but when I do not wake up before them I am such a crab! I am NOT a morning person you can ask my mother and my husband... they WILL NOT lie for me! anyways I know that having my quiet time in the morning just makes my day go smoothly and YET I still resist!
now onto the running... right now my husband and I are both training for a half marathon. it will be my 4th and his 5th one so we have done this training thing a few times now... but for me, I now have a nursing baby.. who by the way is 6 months old and is still NOT sleeping through the night... YIKES! well when I get ready for my long run I always have to take into account my little bug, so typically I wake up at about 4 am and fee d her and let my body wake up and then start running by 5:00 AM. well this morning, she happened to wake up at about 3:30 to feed so I just laid back down when I was done nursing and set my alarm for 4:30. THEN I snoozed it 2 times! so now I am up and out of by dressed and off running all in 10 minutes.... all of this = NO BUENO!!
my run this week was only 9 miles so I thought it would be fine... not so much... when I began running I realized that Eddies Garmin (GPS watch) was set with alarms for me to alert me when I was going too slow and too fast... I told Eddie the night before what paces to set it at and lets just say I was a LITTLE ok A LOT off the mark! after mile 3 I was getting beeped at every 15 seconds for running too slow! it was just fantastic to be so annoyed on my run... then I began to get very tired because A) I didn't let my body fully wake up and B) I started out a little too fast straight out of the gate... so at about mile 7 I was VERY VERY Annoyed! I began to pray "God what am I missing here?" he gave me a vision of my morning and how quickly I rushed through it and just started running... and then all at once it was all so crystal clear! when I don't wake up before my girls do on a regular basis, I am miserable just as I was running this morning. so thus the connection was made and I now have been taken down a notch and am going to really try to get up each and every morning EARLY and STAY up and spend time with God... I don't ever want to feel like this again!
I definitely can relate with you on this. Though I am not running, I do like to meditate and pray before the kiddos get up and when my morning doesn't "go my way"...I'm all kinds of upset! I did a blog on this not too long ago. God Bless!