Friday, 29 July 2011

Time Line.. God is good!

Eddie and I were speaking the other day and we realized just how God has been working in our lives now I will share this all with you!

April 2004-
I Join the Air Force
August 2004
I start going through on e of the roughest times in my life as Flashbacks from my abusive past start to take over my mind... Shop chief tries to help but Asst. shop chief does more damage than good.  I begin counsiling for PTSD
December 2004
I meet Eddie
March 2005
Eddie and I are married
we both get assignments to Turkey
July 2005
we both Get permanently decerted from PRP me for my PTSD and him - Guilty by assosiation...  our assignment to Turkey gets cancelled.
December 2005
we start trying for a baby
April 2006
we get an assignment to Guam. RNLTD Jan 2007
May 2006
we find out that we are pregnant with A. OOOPS baby is due Jan 2007 gotta push RNLTD back 2 months for passport processing.
October 2006
I seperate from the military to be a SAHM
November 2006
RNLTD gets pushed back to March 2007
January 2007
we had A (our first baby)
march 2007
RNLTD gets pushed back again due to no passport RNLTD May 2007
May 2007
We move to Guam
October 2007
I open my own business. start drinking...  a LOT.  flash backs start to come back full force.  not hanging out with good people at all.  I start to spiral out of control.   this cycle keeps going until September of 2009.
September 2009
I attend my second PWOC gathering and God gets ahold of me. 
November 2009
we think we are pregnant but neither of us want another baby.  I pray hard that if I am supposed to have another baby that God would change my heart... 
December 2009
we find out we are NOT pregnant and I am sad...  God changed my heart alright... 
January 2010
we get pregnant
January 2010
I close my business after 5 months of fighting the call to do so! Time to focus on A.
Feb 2010
we loose the baby
Feb 2010
we get pregnant again!  God is good!
May 2010
we get an assignment to Aviano Italy!  but wait that is a PRP base....   HMMM ...
September 2010
we find out that apparently the paperwork for permanent PRP decert was NEVER filed!  Eddie was just guilty because he was married to me anyways, so YAY GOD!!  Order are cut later.
November 2010
we have B
Feb 2011
Eddie is saved!
Feb 2011
God starts laying it on my heart to apply for the president position in Italy... 
March 2011
Eddie is Baptised! 
May 2011
I apply for the president position In Italy (after MUCH prayer of DO I HAVE TO???)
May 2011
we leave Guam
July 2011
we arrive in Italy and I am welcomed on as the new president for 2011-2012.

Now this may not seem like much, but WOW!!  God knew about this position here in Aviano 4+ years ago.... Even before I was a Christian!  Had we not gotten to Guam when did I may not have gone through all that I did and I may not have met the ladies I did meet that Led me to Christ..   I honestly think he placed that assignment to Turkey in our way JUST to show later how awesome he is!   God has been nothing short of amazing to me and my family!  and for anyone keep track as of Feb 2010 I have been flashback free!  God has taken away those painful flashes of a tormented life and I couldnt be happier about that!  God is so amazing and its on days like today that everything is going wrong, and yet I have Joy, OVERFLOWING JOY!  A has a stomach bug (vommitting and diareah) and B has a double ear infection...  we realized that we may have left a 200 liter pack of Gas Coupons in our hotel room when we left, (about $216.00 worth of Gas just gone!, now we will have to pay economy price about $8.00 per gallon until we can buy more on the 1st. ) my house is in shambles and yet I am still full of Joy!  God is amazing!  Just PLAIN AMAZING!! 

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING...God sure does work in mysterious ways and everything we go through ends up being for the glory of His kingdom. I am so proud of you and Eddie for allowing God to take over your lives. So many times we think we are who deserves the credit for our success...yet it is obvious to see that YOU KNOW EXACTLY who is responsible. YAY!! God Bless!
