Tuesday, 1 April 2014

God is Faithful

So, its been 2 years since I re vamped our food situation to help out with A's hyperactivity.  (read about it  HERE and HERE)  To be honest, I have forgotten how difficult life used to be.  It been 2 years with a completely NEW child.  Dye still effects her, but we are VERY diligent about not giving her Dye.  She is even reading her own labels now!  WOO HOO!  I guess my point in writing today is because of one morning this week where I had a meeting with my old A....  IT. WAS. UGLY.  This morning was like any other, get her up for school, hand her the clothes for the day and she trotts off to the bathroom to get dressed...  well, for 30 minutes I had a crying child who 100% REFUSED to put on a pair of tights...  she has no issues with tights.  she wears them all the time.  but this was SUCH a huge reminder of where we have come from.  this kind of heel digging was EVERY DAY!  paired with intense hyper activity, and emotional ups and downs ALL. DAY. LONG....  I dont encounter this A very often.  The diet, I have learned, is great for the hyperactivity Tantrums, and the over emotional outbursts.  so I rarely deal with this side of her anymore.  Anyhow,  I was struck later in the day by this thought...  Just as I am NOT the person I was when I first became a Christian, A is no longer the same little girl she was.  Dont get me wrong, there are things she will never loose, her goofiness, her spunk, her kind servants heart.  but so much has melted away over the years...  I forget all the tears, I forget all the stress and anger.  I can say 1 thing for certain,  this is all a HUGE testament to Gods faithfulness.   I can remember the moment I felt the prick on my heart in Paris like it was yesterday.  This whole time I have pressed into God SOOO many times.  this was a huge leap for Eddie and I to try this diet for her and we have ALL benefited from it!   God has been with us every step of the way.  We are all such a work in progress, its really a treat to be able to look back at our lives just even 2 years ago and see all the transformation that has happened in us, and esp in our A!  I am so proud of that girl.  She is such a blessing to us.  I am so thankful for the reminder of where we came from and the reminder of how much she has changed...  We are blessed.  I LOVE every moment of this adventure we are on.

I encourage you to take a look at your life for the last few years.  how have you changed?  how has your family, your children, your spouse changed?  bring up these changes as an encouraging word to them!  

Happy reminiscing :)


  1. This is great! I often look back at me and Alex's first two years of marriage. We have grown tremendously since then as a couple. Then I look back over the past four years and see how much we have grown spiritually. There are days when I beat myself up because I feel like I could have "done better." God reminds me that it is a process and growth doesn't happen overnight.

  2. I'm so glad you're seeing progress! I love looking through some of my old journals....love seeing how God has worked.
